Thursday, October 31, 2019

Screening report on either Seven summurai, Wooden Camera or Totsi Essay

Screening report on either Seven summurai, Wooden Camera or Totsi - Essay Example ny films from the analyst’s perspective, we can, without prompting from film critics or historians, begin to understand Kurosawa’s own sense of Japanese nationalism. Perhaps in even more depth, we might gain a sense of what can be described as traditional nationalism. In other words, in his films Kurosawa forefronts the Japanese pre World War II traditions arising out of patriarchal family, honor, humility, and loyalty to Japan’s imperial emperor. There is, too, a great expression of Kurosawa’s sentiment towards the Japanese role in World War II, and the Japanese nuclear holocaust, which brought about an end to the war in the Pacific. His expressions comes through in the director’s choices and use of symbolism, and in contrasting tradition with the move away from tradition, especially the move away from loyalty to the emperor, and towards World War II militaristic governance. This brief analysis, to focus on these elements, we’ll limit that range of focus to just one film, The Samurai Seven. This film embodies Kurosawa’s own sense of traditional nationalism, his sense of his pre and post war culture, and even comments on the Japanese nuclear holocaust. It is important to keep in mind that The Seven Samurai is a post war film. Kurosawa was well received in Japan, even before his great post World War II film career commenced, which was the period for which he is most well known. Sanshiro Sugata was financed in part by the pre World War II Japanese Film Council because, historian David Cook writes, government officials misinterpreted Kurosawa’s metaphoric message, and perceived the film to be useful as propaganda (Cook, 1996, 833). Most of the Japanese filmmaking in the pre World War II era was focused on works that would help move Japan away from imperialism, and toward a military control over the government that was eager to expand Japanese authority and control in East Asia. For the most part, Japanese cinema was very nationalistic, and,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Descriptive Ethnography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Descriptive Ethnography - Essay Example The Hispanics as demonstrated by the young Hispanic female emphasize on respect on all their forms of communication and rarely initiate conversations since they prefer to be approached. Mostly, the Hispanics interpret eye contact as a more confrontational body language and further considers that being ignored is as a sign of disrespect and offensive. The Hispanics do avoid too much gesturing and insist on maintaining an accepting attitude. The Hispanics are never contented with some questions such as questions concerning immigration status and religion and are seen to be very expressive in communication. Majority of Hispanics are Roman Catholic which acts as the main source for both information and are also known to be people who are very proud of their heritage hence do not forget their origin (Roll & Irwin, 2008). A young Hispanic female around 19-20 talks on her cell phone while walking towards the cafeteria and is wearing a red jacket with SF 49’ers logo in the back. She m ust be a 49’ers fan or maybe because of the hotness of the 49’ers hence suggesting her love for hot things. The Hispanic girl wears big round gold earrings and has her nails painted red and well kept. She loves herself so much and adores elegance and fashion as the Hispanic culture explains. She looks fashionable and elegance as she puts her black backpack on her left shoulder. The backpack looks empty hence suggesting her love for stylishness. She wears blue jeans that look like the fancy type due to its washed out color and a logo. that is not recognizable. Her full tan purse on her right shoulder looks fuller than her backpack may be to show her adoption to the current trends and fashion of carrying purse. The purse may be carrying her make ups that ensure she looks beautiful all the time and anywhere. She walks so fast but she is not in a hurry maybe because of her fear for eyes and the fact that Hispanic culture does not recognize much the female gender. She must be hurrying to get away from the possible onlookers or admirers who may get a glimpse of her. She wears a smile on her face with her head rocking front and back perhaps to gain confidence. She does not seem to be having enough confidence especially when she is amidst many people. She does not seem to care about what happens around her as she hurriedly disappears into the cafeteria without looking sideways (Roll & Irwin, 2008). The patterns of communication amongst the African Americans are mostly familiar with Anglo American patterns. The African Americans are largely affected by the past incidents of racism and sense of subjection in their interactions thus making them show respect at all times while communicating. This group of people believe in a prolonged eye contact which is always seen as confrontational or aggressive and would mostly seek assistance from the religious leaders if need arose (Pinn, Finley & Alexander, 2009). The African Americans do not address people by their first names which are construed as lack of respect but may use the first names if they are urged to do so. This group of pe

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nonsurgical Endodontic Management Case Study

Nonsurgical Endodontic Management Case Study Introduction The main aim of any endodontic treatment is to thoroughly debride and disinfect the root canal system followed by the contouring of root canal walls and apical tip, for the purpose of sealing the root canal completely with a condensed, inert filling material. Failure to acknowledge the presence of an additional root canal during an endodontic treatment is amongst the major causes of an endodontic treatment failure. Other causes include inappropriate canal instrumentation, incomplete obturation and untreated major canals. An important key to success of any root canal treatment is proper understanding of the anatomy of root canal system this can be achieved by knowledge of the morphology of the root and root canal systems of teeth and diagnostic imaging techniques are required for successful root canal treatment, especially in mandibular premolar teeth (England et al. 1991). In-depth knowledge about the occurrence of atypical external and internal root canal morphologies contributes to the success of root canal treatment. It has been indicated by slowey that due to the variations in the root canal anatomy of mandibular premolars, they have a high flare up and failure rate and are hence the most difficult teeth to treat. Both the mandibular first and second premolars most often have a single root and a single canal, however, anomalies of the root and root canal systems as well as multiple canals have been reported in the literature (Baisden et al. 1992, Robinson et al. 2002).4 Zillich and Dowson have, in a definitive anatomical study, unveiled the occurrence of three canals in mandibular second premolars to be 0.4%.5 The mandibular first premolars show a large variation in the occurrence of number of root canals and apical foramina. Data from anatomical studies report that three rooted mandibular first premolars are rare, about 0.2%.6 This case report presents a case of a successful nonsurgical endodontic management of a mandibular first premolar with three separate roots using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Case Report A twenty four year old female patient of Indian origin, with the chief complaint of intermittent pain along with food lodgement in the lower left back region of jaw since 3 months, was referred to the Post Graduate Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. Patient also complained of bleeding from gums while brushing since eight months. Medical and dental history was non-contributory. On clinical examination, patients oral hygiene was found to be moderate. Deep occlusal carious lesion was seen with respect to tooth # 34 and 35 and both the teeth were found to be tender on percussion, with no associated periodontal pockets. Neither the affected nor the contralateral side of the crown of the mandibular first premolar showed any unusual anatomy in terms of number of cusps and dimensions. A lingering response was seen on heat testing and electric pulp testing. No evidence of swelling or sinus tract was seen. Intra oral periapical radiographic evaluation of the involved tooth revealed normal mandibular first premolar root anatomy. There was widening of the periodontal ligament space with periapical radiolucency around the root of tooth #34. A diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis was made based on clinical and radiographic evidences. After the administration of local anesthesia (2% Lidocaine with1:80,000 adrenaline), access was gained to the pulp chamber under isolation and conventional access opening was done to locate the canal. Tactile examination of the walls of the major canals was done with a small precurved pathfinder file, while locating the canal, which was proceeded slowly down each wall of the major canal, probing for a catch. A slight catch may indicate the orifice of an additional canal, especially in case of the buccal and lingual walls, because these are not generally visible on the radiograph. . On thorough inspection of the pulp chamber floor, three separate root canal orifices were detected (one mesiobuccal, one mesiolingual, and one distal). With the help of a pathfinder file, access cavity was temporarily sealed with Cavit, and to confirm the root morphology, the patient was referred to an oral and maxillofacial radiologist for a cone-beam computed tomography. CBCT of the mandible was performe d using the CS 3D imaging, after obtaining an informed consent of the patient. A three-dimensional image of the mandible was obtained. The involved tooth was focused, and the morphology was obtained in transverse, axial, and sagittal sections with a thickness of 0.48 mm, along with three-dimensional reconstructed images. The axial image obtained from CBCT confirmed the presence of three roots in mandibular first pre molar # 34. The roots were found to be mesiobuccal, mesiolingual and distal . After re-isolating the tooth, coronal flaring of all the three canals was carried out using Gates Glidden drills and working length was determined using an apex locator, which was later confirmed by a radiograph. The canals were cleaned and shaped up to ISO #35 masterapical file under copious irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA. The root canals were dried with sterile paper points, followed by temporary sealing of the access cavity with Cavit (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany). The patient was re-scheduled a week after for follow up. The tooth was found to be completely asymptomatic after a week, and the roots canals were obturated by cold lateral compaction of gutta-percha using AH26 sealer (Kemdent; Associated Dental Products Ltd, Wiltshire, UK). A postoperative radiograph was taken (Figure 3B), and the access cavity was permanently restored using universal amalgam restorative material. Discussion Diagnosis and management of extra roots and root canals in mandibular premolars is one of the major challenges in endodontics. 8-18 Therefore, the clinician must have an appropriate knowledge about the normal root canal anatomy and the most common variations associated. Inability to find, debride and obturate a root canal has been reported to be a major reason for failures in endodontic treatment. 19Based on race, only one study by Trope et al. has showed an increased prevalence of two or more canals in mandibular first premolar in African American patients as compared to Caucasian American patients .20 The failure rate in mandibular first premolar was shown to be 11.45% according to the Washington study. 21This might be due to the extreme variations in the root canal morphology of the mandibular premolar teeth and therefore poses an endodontic challenge to the clinician. Considering the high prevalence of aberrations in these teeth, an endodontist must suspect the presence of one or more missed canals, when a patient returns with persistent post-operative pain or sensitivity to hot and cold. Judicious use of high-end diagnostic aids should also be considered in such cases. Radiographs obtain two-dimensional images of three dimensional objects, resulting in superimposition of the images. Therefore, they are of limited use in complex root canal anatomy cases. Interpretation based on a two-dimensional radiograph may circumspect the clinician of the presence of aberrant root canal anatomy but cannot completely show the morphological structure of the root canals and their interrelations .22 Based on the results of previous studies carried out by Kottoor et al., and La et al. wherein spiral CT was used for the confirmatory diagnosis of morphological aberrations in the root canal anatomy, CBCT of the involved tooth was planned in the present case .23-25 The 3D CBCT images in this study revealed three roots (mesiobuccal, mesiolingual and distal ), with three distinct canals, each canal having a separate apical orifice as compared to the two dimensional radiograph which showed only one root, just like the anatomy of a typical single-rooted mandibular first premolar, that led to a false diagnosis and treatment plan. This is probably why the mandibular first premolar is known as an enigma to the endodontist. However, the high cost and inaccessibility to the patient as well as the extra radiations as compared to the standard radiographic methods makes its routine use limited.We can therefore conclude that a thorough knowledge of the root canal anatomy and its variations, careful interpretation of the radiographs, close clinical examination of the floor of the chamber and proper techniques of access opening along with adequate magnification are essential for successful treatment outcome. Conclusion The mandibular premolar teeth can present with extremely complex root and root canal system morphology, and if not considered during treatment can lead to difficulties when performing root canal treatment. The use of 3D CBCT is a valuable tool in studying the variations that may occur in root canal anatomy.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Deadbeat Parents :: essays research papers

Parents who do not pay their child support are deadbeat parents. This creates a hardship for the case managers in the child support office, the legal staff in preparing documents and court appearances, but most importantly, the children who are the recipients of the child support. Child support enforcement exists to help ensure that every child receives the support that is required by law. This process begins through court ordered divorce, paternity genetic testing, or application made directly to the child support office. Through a court ordered divorce proceeding, the absent parent (the individual who is not awarded custody) is required to pay child support. Guidelines are established for determining the amount to be paid and an order is established. If an individual is in disagreement with an order a paternity genetic test can be given. A custodial parent can complete an application to submit to the local child support enforcement office. Once this is received, the application goe s through several processes. First, an establishment case manager reviews the paperwork and has appointments with both parties involved. Once the order is established, through the case manager or child support court, the case goes to an enforcement case manager. This person is responsible for enforcing the child support order by maintaining contact with the absent parent, securing employment information, address, etc. If an individual fails to comply with the order, another process begins. The case is referred to the legal department for enforcement. Paperwork issued from the court is mailed to the individual requiring them to appear in court on a specific date and time. If they do appear, they are given an opportunity to explain why they are not meeting their order. If this is acceptable by the judge, they are given another opportunity to comply. In most cases, the absent parents do not show up for court and a contempt warrant is issued. These deadbeats are not easily found. The ch ild support enforcement office has to depend on information received from concerned citizens.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ways to make learning a fun experience in school

East is east and west is west. Never the twain shall meet' said Rudyard Kipling. ‘Learning is learning and fun is fun. Never the twain shall meet' said a student. It is time to make that possible now. It is time to end the era in which children hated school. It is time to get rid of the old teaching techniques and keep in pace with modern day technology. It is time to stop using the chalk on the board and make a change in the lives of the generations to come. We are making progress. India in the 1 lth century had schooling in gurukuls.Young boys were taught archery and sword fighting skills. Children used to sit under trees with their slates and chalks and practice sums. Today, we belong to a digital generation that demands innovative methods of absorbing information. Scope in this field is tremendous. Over the years, schools have moved from black boards to smart boards, from typewriters to computers and from a rigid education system to a spontaneous fun experience of school. T he oxford dictionary defines fun as ‘light amusement' but every individual has his own definition of fun.We always find it funny when a child remembers the xact dialogues of the latest film but finds it difficult to answer the questions from their history text book. So to create and exciting atmosphere, the interest of a child is crucial. Audio-video and movies with children's favorite stars help in absorbing the required knowledge. Recorded food preparation television shows and scenes from famous plays can be shown. Colorful pictorials and animations speak louder than a thousand words. Learning in groups with friends also reinforces many facts. Occasional challenges like quizzes and spelling bees help in building an attitude f or many students.Practicals are very beneficial. It would be great to have a multi touch technology where a science student could perform a surgery or an electronics student could assemble and disassemble a computer or a car on the I-pad. User friendly applications would help art students practice their paintings on the smart board before actually starting on a canvas. Online interaction is fun where social studies are concerned. E-program software can be used to exchange knowledge of cultures over the globe. Software should be made in the form of stories with songs as it reinforces important points in the minds of children.Students spend countless hours on social networking sites. These sites can be used for group discussions if the students are too shy to open up in class. Teachers should be provided suitable platforms to host classroom online communities. Project ideas can be shared and there is a teacher and student collaboration. The classroom should be extended beyond the four walls. Projects give need for individual research which pushes students and gives them reason to learn more about their subject. A lot of new ideas and creative inventions are needed for transforming the traditional classroom with ophisticated teaching tools.Visiting destinations of projects is very realistic and enriching. Project tours can be conducted if required, thus increasing the examples and applications of these technologies are growing exponentially. These are the solutions to meet the needs of the 21st century learning environment. Such an exciting environment is a must for an enhanced schooling experience. We do not know for sure where these technologies are taking us but indeed students are finding good strong results. Through everyday explorations like these in the classroom, we are building steps towards the future..

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Newspapers’ role in society Essay

Mass media is a distinctive element of today’s society. Together, the different elements are a product of societal change, forced regulations, rising living standards, and technological modernization. Mass media includes mediums such as magazines, television, internet, radio, cinema, video games, and cellular telephones. The ability to mass communicate with these devices has had such a massive impact that Denis McQuail describes that â€Å"the mass media has primary and crucial importance for the integration of the diverse secular worlds of modern men into coherence and unity† (32). There is no doubt among theorists that media is influencing society, but there are different theories that suggest that it may be society influencing media, not media influencing society. This essay shall look at newspapers’ past and present, and how they will continue to affect the world we live in. In the early 1950s after WWII, American communication made deep inroads into Europe, and words like â€Å"mass†, â€Å"effects†, and â€Å"functions† organized research on both sides of the Atlantic (Curran 407). Almost a decade later, some of the biggest research took place in 1959, when Elihu Katz argued that people need to concentrate less on what the media do to people and more on what people do with media (McQuail 71). Dennis McQuail sides with Katz, in believing that peoples contact with media is of utmost importance, stating, â€Å"media is helping in enabling people to bring about a more satisfying relationship between themselves and the people around them† (71). The views are across the board, pointing in both directions, but research continues even today as to what extent life is changing because of emerging technologies. Not only the substance of what is being communicated is important, but just as vital is the process. Technological innovations have assisted in supplying content for our media forms, and also the circuits and motherboards of how they are made are affecting the ways which society operates. Both aspects have a hand in the creation of the world we live in today, and should be realized when reading this essay. Mass media first appeared on the scene as newspapers. The newspaper was the first medium of communication with a genuinely mass character. U.S newspaper firms had slow growth until the 1800s. It was in the 1830s that the population concentration in cities and the spread of mass literacy provided  a market for mass press (Wells 7). The news could finally be spread on paper, rather than word of mouth. The entire world was suddenly in-the-know about what was happening around them. Newspapers made the transition from the realm of the educated, to serving a wide range of people from this time thought the Civil War (Grant, Meadows 8). The development of advertising, telegraph, and improved production methods have assisted newspapers in reaching a worldwide audience, and eventually being the main source of news for years to come. To this day 97% of towns have only one newspaper to choose from for local news (Wells 7). This idea of newspaper monopolies is discouraging to the market, because only one view is being seen on the issue. No single company is at fault though, because starting a newspaper or radio station these days requires far more investment and risk then in previous years. Despite other forms of news, the newspapers industry is still growing today. In 2002, there were over 10,000 newspaper firms in the United States, and over half the country reading a newspaper daily (Grant, Meadows 9). The future of newspapers looks to be heading toward the digital world, against many wishes of traditional newspaper readers. Flexibility from digital methods has increased newspapers’ ability to deliver zoned editions that reduce unprofitable readership in areas far away from print facilities (Grant, Meadows 10). By the end of the 20th century, over two-thirds of U.S. newspapers maintained websites that offered classified advertising (Grant, Meadows 10). According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, the majority of the population prefers to purchase the printed edition rather than viewing the electronic edition (Grant, Meadows 11). This may change though, because digital news is rather new, and websites such as can be updated on the hour informing viewers of up-to-the minute news, instead of waiting for the next days edition to receive that same news. McQuail, Denis. Towards a Sociology of Mass Communication. London. MacMillian Publishers Limited, 1968 Curran, James, Gurevitich, Michael, Woolacott, Janet. Mass Communication and Society. 1st ed. London: Edward Arnold Publishers, 1979 Katz, Elihu, Szecsko, Tamas. Mass Media and Social Change. London: Sage.1981 Wells, Alan. Mass Media and Society. Palo Alto, National Press Books. 1972 Grant, August and Jennifer Meadows. Communication Technology Update. Oxford: Focal Press, 2004.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Phases of Preclinical Trials in Drug Development

Phases of Preclinical Trials in Drug Development Introduction The developments of drugs often undergo various processes before being introduced into the market. One of the processes is the preclinical trials. Preclinical trials are conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the drug on the treatment of the targeted disease (Mulay, 2001). According to the procedures and regulations governing drug development, preclinical trials are conducted in various stages ranging from the first stage to the third stage of phase.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Phases of Preclinical Trials in Drug Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Each phase has distinct characteristics, activities and requirements as defined by the regulatory bodies. Apart from determining the effectiveness of the drug, pre-clinical trials are conducted to establish any side effects of the new drugs that may cause harm to individuals (Mulay, 2001). In other words, pre-clinical trials are con ducted to ascertain the effectiveness, mode of application as well as other clinical aspects of the drug before its administration. Preclinical trial phases in drug development In most countries, pre-clinical trials are conducted in three stages or phases. In the first phase, clinical trials are conducted in order to observe the behavior of the new drug in a small sample. In essence, the experiments are conducted using a small population to prove various assertions as well as to establish some aspects of clinical practices during the administration of the drug (Hackshaw, 2011). In addition, the findings in the first phase inform the procedures as well as activities in the subsequent phases. In other words, some aspects in phase two and three are based on the findings of the first phase. In the second phase, further trials are conducted to provide more data particularly on the safety of the new drug and the way it work to treat the target disease (Mulay, 2001). The second phase estab lishes the pharmacological processes as well as the side effects of the drug. In the final phase, the pre-clinical trials are conducted in a larger sample and compare the effects of the drug on the experiment and the standard effect or treatment. The procedure and activities in the third phase is almost a repetition of the first phase. However, the population used for the trials in the third phase is large. In fact, the researchers and medical practitioners conduct the pre-clinical trials through elaborate experimental processes designed to examine the effect of the drug on the subjects as well as the changes in the behavior due to the effects of the new drug (Hackshaw, 2011). Every phase in the preclinical trials is intended to give diverse data concerning the treatment process of the new drug. The information required includes, safety, working processes as well as the doses (Spilker, 2000). In essence, preclinical trials are intended to provide more information on the laboratory p roof of the underlying hypothesis concerning the application of new drug and treatment processes.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, before the preclinical trials, the new drug is subjected to the laboratory tests to prove the underlying hypothesis. The laboratory experiments involve testing of theoretical hypothesis on the drug formulation (Mulay, 2001). The laboratory process is always an elaborate process and takes several years to turn theoretical concept into practical treatment. The laboratory experimentations confirm the effectiveness of the new drug. The pre-clinical trials are based on the results from the laboratory experimentations. Similarities and differences in the first and the third phases in the preclinical trials As indicated, the first and the third phase are similar in many cases. However, the differences also exist in many fronts. T he main aim in the first phase of preclinical trial involves establishing the safety of consumption of new drug (Spilker, 2000). The first phase follows the laboratory experimentation process. Therefore, the first phase in the preclinical trials is conducted on individuals. The procedures in establishing the effectiveness of the drug in the first phase are similar to the procedures in the third phase. In proving such drugs or treatment, the doctors carry out activities ranging from amassing statistics on the dose, timing as well as the wellbeing of the treatment. The involvements of people in the first phase of preclinical trials enable first-hand treatment or the amalgamation of various therapies (Spilker, 2000). The activities involved in the first phase of preclinical trials involve the steady amplification of the prescribed amount of drug under study. The gradual increase in the dosage known as dose escalation enables the dosage that produces optimal results without causing hars h side effects. In the process, the patients are initially administered with smaller amounts of the drug dosage (Hackshaw, 2011). In most cases, side effects are not observed in the first administration of the drug to a patient. The drug has to be applied to several patients in order to establish the side effects. Also included in the first phase of preclinical trials is the method of administering the drug. Investigators establish if the drug is administered orally or injected into the bloodstream. In addition, the fisrt phase establishes the reactions of the drug in the body including the way the drug spread into the body. The prescribed procedures are similar to the third phase and the only difference is the population of the patients being used. The performances of the first phase of preclinical trials are estimated to last for about a year. In addition, the first phase of preclinical trials often encompasses a minimal number of participants ranging from ten to twenty a distinct ive difference with other phases. Further, the first phase offer treatment to individuals’ diseases working against the preceding therapies (Mulay, 2001). In contrast, the third phase of preclinical trials aims are to undertake comparison measures between the latest therapies portraying potential outcomes when administered to a small number of patients exhibiting a particular ailment and the contemporary care standards of the explicit malady (Hackshaw, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Phases of Preclinical Trials in Drug Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the third phase involves gathering of data from a large figure of patients. As a result, the doctors are capable of establishing the effectiveness of the new drug as well as the extent of its side effects on the patients compared to the current standards. Another important aspect of the third phase of preclinical trials is that the experiments are often carried out as random trials. In essence, investigations on the standard application of the drug are conducted unevenly. Further, the third phase of clinical trials not only focus on the patients with a specific malady, but also encompass patients of diverse ages, ethnicities and both sexes thereby producing results applicable for a large population sample (Hackshaw, 2011). Given the long timeline in the third phase of clinical trials, large sample or population is required to complete the investigation. In most cases, the sample range between seven hundred to two thousand participants. Moreover, the success of the drug in the third phase preclinical trial leads to the application to the approval of the drug by the authorized bodies such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The approval of the drug due the successes in the preclinical trials shows that the drug can be administered for a precise use. Investigator brochure The IB (Investigatorâ€⠄¢s Brochure) is an all-inclusive document in drug development. Actually, during the drug preclinical trials, the manuscript sums up the body of info acquired in the study. Once the IB is obtained, it is modernized with fresh information. Throughout the entire procedure of drug development, the document (IB) is critically significant (Hackshaw, 2011). The human areas under discussion gathered in preclinical and clinical trials in study of drugs gets Investigator’s Brochure relevant when compiling data. All through the clinical trials, the investigators obtain essential insights from the IB for the administration of study subjects and study conducts (Hackshaw, 2011). The clinical trial protocol with protection measures and key aspects are set up by the investigator’s brochure. The key aspects may encompass, safety-monitoring procedures, techniques of administration, frequency and dosing intervals, as well as study of drugs. On the other hand, an IB helps the investigato r to clearly comprehend the safety measures, observations, specified examination, adverse reactions, and any possible risks accruing during the clinical trials (Mulay, 2001). In brief, the brochure is a guide and an abstract for the segment of the investigator.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The background knowledge in pharmaceuticals is critical in the investigation process during the third phase of preclinical trials. Moreover, based on the pharmacology and previous human experience of the investigational products, a clinical investigator should be in custody of the guidance (Mulay, 2001). The guide should consider treatment and identification of undesirable drug reaction and probable overdose. The information on the IB must be kept updated through a responsible sponsor. Contents of the investigator brochure in stage one of the product developments The investigator brochure explains all the activities taking place in the first phase of the product development. The brochure explains in details the required insights for the management and conduct of the investigators at the preclinical trials (Spilker, 2000). In addition, the brochure explains the study subjects as well as the effects of the drug throughout the first phase of the preclinical process. The information inc ludes the name of the drug, the development process, the way it works as well as the formula (Spilker, 2000). The specified data regarding the drug are obtained from the results of the laboratory tests. In essence, the investigator brochure in phase one will contain more information about the product. Further, the investigator brochure provides the investigator a summary of the information that guides the trials as well as possible risks and uncertainties that may be encountered during the study (Mulay, 2001). In fact, the brochure will provide the dose development procedure and the characteristics of the subjects that were used in the first phase of preclinical trial. In addition, the brochure will have detailed information regarding the potential risks or the adverse effects of the drug (Spilker, 2000). Moreover, the information concerning the use of the drug, whether in combination or applied singly will also be contained in the first phase investigator brochure. In the dose data , the brochure will provide more information on dose escalations and the observed side effects. Since the first phase is critical in the product development, the investigator brochure will contain more information that provides insights in the application of the drug (Hackshaw, 2011). Moreover, information concerning the drug administration will also be contained on the brochure. In addition, the investigator brochure also indicates how the side effects should be treated. In other words, the investigator brochure contains details on the possible side effects and the manner in which such adverse effects should be countered (Hackshaw, 2011). All the information in the brochure is based on the procedure provided and the results obtained from the trials. In the first phase of the product development, the investigator brochure provides direction on the identification and management on the negative effects of the drug. Conclusion The development of new drug undergoes various stages before being authorized to be used. The phase includes preclinical trials, which are conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the drug. The preclinical trials are in phases. The first phase of preclinical trials tests the effectiveness and behavior differences of the subjects due to the administration of the new drug in a small sample. Similar aims and procedures are conducted in phase three. However, the third phase requires a large population. The major difference between phase one and phase three is the sample population where the third phase applies the larger sample population. The investigator brochure is critical in the provision of information during the preclinical trials. Specific to first phase of the preclinical trial, the investigator brochure provide the information concerning the new drug. Besides the product information and the investigation procedures, the first phase investigator brochure contains the information concerning the doses, timings as well as the safety of the product. References Hackshaw, A. (2011). A concise guide to clinical trials. Malden, MA: John Wiley Sons. Mulay, M. (2001). A step-by-step guide to clinical trials. Burlington, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning. Spilker, B. (2000). Guide to clinical trials. Philadelphia: Raven Press.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Singing Detective essays

The Singing Detective essays P.D Marlowe's dreams, hallucinations and imaginings play an important role in The Singing Detective. This is a six-episode film may be seen as a marking of the first time Dennis Potter dealt with illness in his work, although it is not as much an autobiography. "I felt myself being nudged into writing about the condition. Not what it's like to be ill, but what it's like to be a human being trying to understand the shape of your own life," The three main subplots are the Hospital Ward (1980s), the Forest of Dean (then later, London (1930s), and the Film Noir fantasy of the 1940s. Phillip Marlowe is the link between these worlds, these subplots. As the three subplots are basically telling the same story they intermingle in Marlow's head. As Marlow hallucinates due to his illness the flashbacks and fantasy scenes have an anchor in reality and credibility for the viewer. "Even more than his beloved Forest of Dean, the landscape Potter occupies is the inside of the head". Seeing the story subjectively from Marlow's perspective forces us to associate with this unsympathetic character. In Marlow's head, where all the stories are based he is unravelling the plots to reach a resolution. By reworking his novel he assimilates his childhood memories and so comes to terms with his reality. In Potter's own words (in 'Potter on Potter'), Marlow is "trying to rewrite [the novel] simply as an exercise in not going mad. That in turn led him to start assembling his life". The multi-temporal narrative, with 'worlds' crossing into each other, had been tried by Potter before a nd more so since (Cream in My Coffee, Blackeyes, Secret Friends) but it was probably most effectively realised in The Singing Detective. The Singing Detective is visually aesthetic, and uses the physical and mental state of the characters to reflect their personality and position in their environment. It is through this technique that the main character, Phillip Marlow...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Apply to the Senate Page Program

Have you ever considered taking some time away from your regular routine to pursue something new, exciting, and completely different? We probably all have, and while there are tons of opportunities that might fit the bill, few are feasible in terms of time commitment, academics, or financial concerns. But, for students interested in pursuing a career in politics, government, or law, there is one program that may address all of the concerns above. This program is offered both during the school year and during summer months, provides appropriate and rigorous academic course work during the school year, and actually pays you for the work you do. Oh, and it also comes with a ton of prestige and recognition. If this sounds like a good deal to you, read on to learn how you can apply to the Senate Page Program. The Senate Page Program is a fancy term for an official high school internship at the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C.. This program is offered only to high school juniors and provides the opportunity to work with actual senators and government leaders. Students in the Senate Page Program are sponsored by local senators and work for their sponsoring senator’s party in the U.S. Senate. Senate Pages are mostly messengers. They deliver messages and legislative materials to U.S. Senators, Congressmen, and other staff members at the Hart Senate Office Building. They also prepare the chambers for daily business and stand by for tasks while Congress is in session. While doing so, they gain important exposure in the fields of government and politics. The program is highly selective, with only 30 Senate Pages accepted each term.    There are four terms annually. One begins in the fall for four months, another begins in the spring for five months, and two shorter terms start at the beginning of each summer. During the school year, the Senate Page Program is a residential program. Pages live together in a dorm located two blocks from the Hart Senate Building. They take classes beginning at 6:15 AM daily and after classes, pages work while Senate is in session, typically from 10AM – 4PM, though sometimes much longer if Senate has not adjourned for the day. Pages are provided breakfast and dinner daily, and pay for their room and board out of the stipend they earn through working as a page. The stipend is generally modest, reportedly based off of a roughly $26,000 annual salary, and uniform costs are also taken from it. The summer term is slightly different. There is no academic component during summer months and pages are permitted to live with friends or relatives, rather than in the dorm. Dorm residency is still available for those who choose it. While enrolled in the program, students are held to exceptionally high standards for conduct and dress. Room inspections are conducted regularly and students should expect to spend 12-13 hours studying and working each day. It is a rigorous schedule and pages are required to have a doctor’s approval before beginning the program. Senate Pages must be in their junior year of high school. If you’re interested in the summer terms, you may be either a rising junior or a rising senior. You must be 16 or 17 years old, a U.S. citizen, and a student. In order to apply, you must have a GPA of at least 3.0. Pages are sponsored by individual senators. Each senator is usually given the chance to sponsor a page during only one term per year, and he or she generally alternates between male and female pages each year. Because you must apply through a senator, the exact application process and selection criteria vary. Many senators provide more precise information on their websites. Most senators will only sponsor students from the state they represent, but this is not the case for all senators. If you need to apply for a specific term and your senator is not sponsoring a page that term, you should not discount the opportunity. Instead, research nearby states to see if their senators sponsor out-of-state students. If you can’t find the information you need, call their office directly and ask. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. Because you apply for sponsorship directly through a senator, the application process varies by office. In most cases, you submit an initial application along with a resume and several written recommendations. In some cases you also need to submit a transcript and write an essay. If you advance past the first round, you will likely be invited for a series of interviews. The program is extremely competitive, so if you make it to the interview phase, be sure to practice ahead of time and arrive on time and dressed professionally.   Due to the competitive nature of the program, you will need to leverage every advantage that you can to your favor. It is politics, after all. For this reason, try to find personal and professional connections that will give you a leg above the rest. Some senators might require that you submit at least one recommendation from a teacher, adviser, or head of school. If this is the case, choose the most established professional who knows you well. If you have a good relationship with your head of school and you believe that he or she can speak specifically to your strengths, go ahead and ask for a recommendation. If, however, you aren’t sure that your head of school even knows who you are, work your way down the line of command until you find someone who knows you well. Another strong recommendation should come from a teacher who has instructed you in a related content area. This could be your AP U.S. Government teacher, your Mock Trial adviser, or another teacher who knows your abilities well. If you are asked for more than two recommendations, try to find someone who is well-connected and has political ties to supply the third. This is the time to call your uncle’s college roommate to arrange a lunch meeting, or hit up your best friend’s mother’s cousin for a coffee date. While these people may not know you very well, if they are connected politically, their word might carry much more weight than someone else’s. Although it is a general rule of thumb that you should not seek recommendations from people who do not know you well, if your senator seeks more than two recommendations, it is not a bad idea to try to find someone with political ties to supply the third recommendation. Don’t blindly ask for a recommendation from someone who hasn’t seen you since you were in diapers, though. Instead, arrange a time to meet together to discuss your plans and ambitions. When you do so, be not only honest about your intentions but also upfront about your qualifications. Your job is to clearly articulate to this person why you are qualified and deserving of becoming a Senate Page. If you can convince this person that you’re a worthy candidate, he or she might be able to convince your sponsoring senator. Also, keep in mind the weight of the favor this person is lending you. Be extremely gracious and make sure that you arrive early so that you don’t keep anyone waiting. Ask for advice and do as much listening as you do talking. Even if you don’t end up becoming a Senate Page, this person could be a valuable mentor if you intend to pursue a career in government or politics.   The Senate Page Program is one of the most competitive high school programs in the country. Each term, only 30 pages are selected nationally. Of these, 15 are males and 15 are females. It’s unknown exactly how many students apply each year, since all applicants go through a sponsoring senator, but it’s safe to say that only a tiny proportion of applicants go on to become Senate Pages. Also, remember that there are some factors that will impact your chances of becoming a page that are outside of your control. Like anything in politics, connections play an important role in identifying top candidates. Further, because the number of page roles is fewer than the number of senators, senior senators are more likely to successfully appoint a page and even then, senators may only sponsor one page per year.       Just because you don’t have any connections doesn’t mean you can’t become a Senate Page. It is completely possible to make your own connections as an involved high school student. If you’re interested in government or politics and you know that you want to become a Senate Page, start working towards it early in your high school career. You might volunteer in local government or politics. Get involved with your district representative or, during an election year, work on a political campaign. Some local government offices also have page programs that may serve as a good entry point for you. You can create meaningful connections through your own prolonged involvement in local and regional politics and government. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in politics or government but want some more guidance and insight into the process, consider ’s Mentoring Program , which provides practical advice on topics from high school activities and college applications to career aspirations, all from successful college students who have been in your shoes.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Continuity Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Continuity Management - Essay Example Some of the components of a business continuity plan are business and disaster recovery, crisis, incident and emergency management, product recall and unforeseen event planning. For this Business Continuity Management to be functional, it has to be grown (Eliot et al 2009, 1). From a simple obscure branch, it grows into a completely fledged conventional business practice. To affect this, one has to have some acquaintance in the key concepts of building a flexible organization and involve the use of a standard (BS 25999) as a channel towards best practice (Blyth 2009, p10). In this paper, we look at the implementation of business continuity management, its value with an effort to ascertain the context in which it is implemented in dealing with challenges that come with any business environment. Getting started with business continuity management According to Hiles (2010, p110) Business Continuity Management is a major component of comprehensive emergency management plan. It is thus an important asset for any organization, for it allows quick recovery form a disruption. It is not that organizations hope for disruptions to happen; it is only that in the current business environment, globalization has come with various uncertainties (Blyth 2009, p10).Therefore, a Business Continuity Management plan has to be clear to the participators, to the point and made in a way that it is directly meeting the needs of any given organization. It is, therefore, advisable that it becomes part of the manner in which an organization operates. In the past, this had always been a reserve for big multinational corporations. However, the recent past has seen a rise in the employment of such a plan with companies rising to the occasion of protecting its interest’s and its reputation (Eliot et al 2009, p1). Therefore, the firs t step involves the acceptance of its usefulness by the senior managers and the boss of a company. However, it should be of essence that this involves every employee, for it is part of their responsibilities. As a matter of fact, the existence of a business continuity coordinator is very essential. This is because; his team is given the responsibility of spearheading the whole process by providing the resources needed to manage the implementation of this BC program. Some of these steps concerned in the progress of this plan include: Understand the vulnerabilities of one’s company. Define the business continuity strategy. Develop a plan. Cultural change. Rehearse the plan. Background Business Continuity Management has its origins in catastrophe recovery planning. From this perspective, it grew to emergency planning before maturing into the ultimate new tactically focused management concern it is today(Blyth 2009, pp1-29). Having its roots in information systems, it has afforded to move from this technical focus to compliance focus. Some businesses are seeing beyond this s to a strategic focus. This has mainly been due to the chan ging requirements of both the stakeholders and the organizations. Relevance of business continuity management It is important for businesses that operate under risky environments such as finance, telecommunications, transportation and civic division to embrace this plan. This is because, the ability of them continuing to operate is majorly dependent on the organization as well

Company Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Company Analysis - Research Paper Example In U.S., diversity was not seen as an integral part of planning previously. Diversity initiatives in most businesses processes lacked specificity, were poorly conceptualized and had no link to the business strategic plans. However, in the U.S business operations today, managers and leaders have realized that diversity planning must be aligned with the business operational decisions. This is to ensure that the businesses become successful (Richard SaÃŒ nchez, SaÃŒ nchez-Runde, and Luciara Nardon, Pg.18). Some of the U.S owned business organizations, most particularly the Macy’s company, have adopted a number of planning diversity practices in the business world. Such practices are illustratively discussed as follows. Diversity strategic plan is generally referred to as A-One Strategic Plan. The business builds and manages a workforce which is truly diverse. This is done by strategic planning of diversity through its core values of respect to the individual’s dignity, trust, integrity, credibility, personal renewal and continuous improvement. The business organizations use BWF (Balanced Workforce Force) strategy which is a strategy that all-encompassing. The strategy guides the organization in various situations and also covers the all the populations of employees. The strategy sets a 10-year annual target on goal plans for the business. Through the strategy, the managers are held accountable for upward employees’ mobility. BWF ensures that when layoffs occur, then the members of one group in the organization are not disproportionately affected in comparison with other member groups (Richard SaÃŒ nchez, SaÃŒ nchez-Runde, and Luciara Nardon, Pg.23). Another diversity strategy used by U.S Macy’s company business entails the continuous business improvement through the development and engagement of people. In this strategy, the business develops six

Mac9.11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mac9.11 - Essay Example DCM=1/RR=1/.10=10 DMS Therefore total reserves are equal to total money supply. So money supply = 10*12 million=120 million. Alternatively, The formula of geometric progression with a common ratio R which is equal to .90: $12,000,000 + $10,800,000 + $9,720,000 + †¦ $12,000,000 x (1 + 0.90 + 0.81 + 0.6561 + †¦) $12,000,000 x (1 + 0.90 + 0.902 + 0.903 + †¦) $12,000,000 x 1/1 – 0.90 = $12,000,000/0.10 = $120,000,000 The chain of deposit creation ends only when there are no more excess reserves to be loaned out, i.e. when the entire $12,000,000 is tied up in required reserves. Therefore, with a reserve ratio of 10%, excess reserves disappear only when checking deposits expand by $120,000,000. At RR=25% DCM=1/.25= 4 DMS= 12million*4= 48 million. At RR=100%. The DMS will be 12 million. Answer 3 The value of M1 is checkable deposits + currency= 743+633= $1376 billion. The value of M2 is M1+ Small time deposits+ Money-market mutual funds held by businesses+ Money-market mutual funds held by individuals+ Savings deposits, including money-market deposit accounts. The value of M2 is 1376+3649+1014+744+1190= $7973 billion. Answer 4 The diagram below shows the structure of the Federal Reserve System. The board of governors are appointed by the President. The function of the component is to oversee the system operations, takes decisions of regulations and sets the target level of requirements. The key monetary policy making body within the system is Federal Open Market Committee. The committee is responsible to seek decisions to stimulate monetary growth with price stability as well as influences the flow of money and credit. The board is composed of seven members of the board of governors and five presidents of Reserve Banks. Among the five presidents, one of them is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The other members hold the voting position for one year terms on rotational basis. The Federal Reserve Banks are independently incorp orated with nine boards of directors. The function of the Federal Reserve Banks is to set the rate of interest although subjected to approval by Board of Directors. They monitor the economy and provide financial services to the U.S. government and depository institutions. The member banks hold stock in their local Federal Reserve Bank. The advisory committees carry out various responsibilities within the system. Lesson 11 Answer 1 The change is the reserve ratio is one such tool and is probably the most powerful. The term reserve deposits are used to define the percentage of reserves the banks are required to keep against deposits. A decrease in the reserve ratio will provide the banks to lend more and the money supply in the economy will increase. The effect is just the opposite in reserve ratio is increased. The discount rate is another tool. It is defined as the rate of interest that central bank charges the commercial banks when need to borrow additional reserves. The interest r ate is monitored by the Fed and does not depend on the market rate. Much of the rate is dependent on the signal Fed sends to the financial markets. The interest rates in the short term tend to depend on the movement of the market rate. The open market operations consist of buying as well as selling of securities of the government. The money supply within the economy increases when Fed buys back the securities from the banks and dealers. Answer 2 The increase

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Working with a Diverse Workforce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Working with a Diverse Workforce - Essay Example Benefits of diversity in workforce in the workplace are numerous, and thus, can not be negated. However, effective leadership and management of a workforce, diverse in nature require much more than conventional leadership and management skills. A diverse workforce calls for an increased dedication and determination not only from the leader and/or manager, but also, from all other personnel that make part of the hierarchy of organizational structure. It is therefore, imperative that this issue is attended and the individualistic needs of all employees concerning the diversity in work place are satisfied so that optimum benefit from such a workforce may be gained. Diversity in workplace is a growing concern all over the world owing to the enormous benefits it has to offer. Employers look forward to hiring employees with differing origins, race, genders, cultures, linguistic abilities, knowledge, and competence with a view to enrich the organizational structure multifariously. In order to make a diverse workforce deliver its maximum, individualistic needs of workers need be addressed. In fact, work system involving diverse workforce can not be efficient as long as all members of the staff do not feel comfortable with one another and have not removed differences conventionally prevalent among their respective origins and cultures. Management of a diverse workforce loads a manager with big challenges, having met which, a manager makes the organizational culture conducive for profitable business. In order to make the work environment favorable for a diverse workforce, it is imperative that individualistic needs of every member of the workforce are realized and addressed. Some of the needs common to members from all cultures are generalized below: Before hiring the candidates, the ad should clearly state that the organization fundamentally looks forward to developing a

Project on T. Bills Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project on T. Bills - Research Paper Example The Treasury bill finances the government by borrowing money from citizens. Investors can purchase T- bills when they become available or when the government decides to issue them. They mature after a set period of time usually less than a year, and the investors redeem their T- bills for the face value. The purchase of a T- bill serves as a temporary loan to the United States Government which returns it when the T-bill matures. A Treasury bill can be purchased by citizens, banks, financial institutions and corporate houses. While private investors do purchase T- bills, banks and financial institutions are capable of purchasing them on a much larger scale, and thus make up bulk of the trade on the initial day of the T- bill offering. The smallest face value of a T-bill is $1000 making it a very attractive purchase. The T- bill is sold at a discount, which is determined by the Bureau of public debt. But the treasury pays the full face value when it is redeemed. For example an investor may purchase a 90- day treasury bill for $900 and expect a return of $100 at the time of maturity. This $100 is the return on the investment that the investor receives. The treasury has issued a $1000 T-bill at $900. The T-bill does not bear interest by is highly predictable and very stable, barring complete financial collapse of the United States Treasury. Investors may choose to include the T- bill in their profiles as they are highly stable investments with a pre-set time of maturity and decent dependable return. Unlike more risky investments the T- bill is unlikely to return a substantial sum, but when they are traded in large volume they can represent a substantial return. Investors can potentially purchase millions of dollars worth of Treasury bills assuming they possess the available capital. They are also extremely liquid assets, making them a versatile

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Influences in Conference and Banqueting industry Assignment

Influences in Conference and Banqueting industry - Assignment Example The paper tells that hospitality industry encompasses the establishments that provide accommodation, meals, drinks, conferencing services among other related services. The hospitality industry provides two major services, which are the overnight accommodation and sustenance for people. The UK tourism industry has recorded tremendous growth over the years, and even during the recession, the industry continued to expand. In 2010 July, the amount spent overseas visitors was  £1.96b, which represented a 15.9% rise as compared to the 2009 value of  £1.69b. This shows how the industry has potential for growth. Therefore, hospitality industry contributes significantly to the economy and employs millions of people. Conference and banqueting is one of the fields under the hospitality industry. This field provides conferencing activities to several people including local residents to international tourists. Banqueting is currently a lucrative business especially with the growth of conferen cing facilities. Banqueting refers to the act of serving food and beverage to a group of individuals eating together, for example, in cerebration or conference. It is a highly profitable venture, and as such, most facilities in the hospitality industry have incorporated it in their services. The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries, and indeed, the largest in the world. In the UK, this industry makes up a significant part of the economy, with its over 50, 000 guest houses and hotels and an annual turnover of  £ 50 billion. In addition, the industry employs over 1.7 million workforce. (British Hospitality Association, 2008). This industry is large and wide, and ranks third among the top sectors that provide employment. The industry is diverse due to ownership, innovation, grading system and classification, leisure facilities, level of service and future trends. Narrowing down, the conference and banqueting industry contributes ? 18.8 billion to the economy of UK according to the UK Events Market Trends Survey results. The business prospect of this industry increases annually, thus, it has attracted many investors especially during the preparation for the 2012 Olympics. Currently, the industry does not only provide meeting and food services, but there are additional services such as shops, nightclubs, hair and beauty salons, internet, gymnasium, shops, and laundry services. Conferencing services are mostly for business people whom after the meetings would prefer to have a little leisure and relaxation. Thus, the conference and banqueting industry has included the mentioned services to ensure that the guests do not leave the premises to go and look for leisure activities elsewhere. Research reveals that most hotels have special facilities in built for conference and banqueting events, as it has emerged a very profitable business area. An example of hotel or hospitality provider that has excelled in the area of conference and banqueting is the Villa Park or Aston Villa. The hotel that offers hospitality and events services emerged the best in the category of ‘Best UK Unusual Events’ during the prestigious M&IT Awards. Apart from excellent services, Villa Park is located centrally less than two miles from the M6, and offers spacious free car parking spaces, which makes it a perfect venue to host events. Another example of facility that offers good conference and banqueting services is The Royal Over-Seas League, which is a Private Members’ club that offers unique services for all kinds of occasions. Referred to as ROSL in short, the facility has eclectic collection of events and meeting rooms, as well as styles and designs that offers exquisite views of various places. Factors that have

Project on T. Bills Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project on T. Bills - Research Paper Example The Treasury bill finances the government by borrowing money from citizens. Investors can purchase T- bills when they become available or when the government decides to issue them. They mature after a set period of time usually less than a year, and the investors redeem their T- bills for the face value. The purchase of a T- bill serves as a temporary loan to the United States Government which returns it when the T-bill matures. A Treasury bill can be purchased by citizens, banks, financial institutions and corporate houses. While private investors do purchase T- bills, banks and financial institutions are capable of purchasing them on a much larger scale, and thus make up bulk of the trade on the initial day of the T- bill offering. The smallest face value of a T-bill is $1000 making it a very attractive purchase. The T- bill is sold at a discount, which is determined by the Bureau of public debt. But the treasury pays the full face value when it is redeemed. For example an investor may purchase a 90- day treasury bill for $900 and expect a return of $100 at the time of maturity. This $100 is the return on the investment that the investor receives. The treasury has issued a $1000 T-bill at $900. The T-bill does not bear interest by is highly predictable and very stable, barring complete financial collapse of the United States Treasury. Investors may choose to include the T- bill in their profiles as they are highly stable investments with a pre-set time of maturity and decent dependable return. Unlike more risky investments the T- bill is unlikely to return a substantial sum, but when they are traded in large volume they can represent a substantial return. Investors can potentially purchase millions of dollars worth of Treasury bills assuming they possess the available capital. They are also extremely liquid assets, making them a versatile

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

An Expatriate Tour in El Salvador Essay Example for Free

An Expatriate Tour in El Salvador Essay The case provides that John Lafferty has accepted an opportunity to be a Program Officer of the United Nations based in El Salvador. John has previously worked as development economist in different parts of Latin America and his experience and passion for helping refugees make his adjustment to this new environment easy. However, John has recently been married to Joanna, a Human Resource Management consultant based in Toronto, Canada. Although, the couple both agreed to move together to El Salvador, the challenge of the case lies on how Joanna would be able to adjust to a new environment. In preparation for her departure, Joanna studied Spanish and studied Salvadoran history and politics as much as she could. She also contacted a friend, Joan, an expatriate in Guatamela for two years to get feedback about the conditions of living abroad. In a study of Luthans in 2002, he emphasized the importance of cultural learning to avoid premature return by an expatriate. In this case, Joanna should have undergone cultural learning that is specifically tailored for Salvadoran expatriates. This could have prepared her in understanding and accepting the culture and values of Salvadorans. She could have expected living with a housemaid who would serve her and do all the house chores for her. Joanna could have been more comfortable understanding that â€Å"barrios marginales† are generally accepted in their neighborhood and receives only $6 a day. Joanna can mend her situation by learning more about the culture of El Salvador to make her feel more comfortable in her new environment. Upon adjustment, she could find a career opportunity in the UN that is also based in El Salvador where she could practice her HR skills. Joanna’s experience can be valuable in developing a cultural learning program that will help other expatriates. The new employment for John is a great opportunity for him to advance in his career. John’s skills in relating with refugees and his passion to protect them are valid arguments why he should accept the position in El Salvador. John and Joanna may be newly married but their career fulfillment should not be sacrificed. They have to discern well and balance the advantages and disadvantages of moving to El Salvador together or separately. Joanna can decide to stay in Canada and pursue her career as HR consultant. However, the opportunity to experience a different culture and the prospect of gaining a new knowledge in the field of training expatriates are both promising. Joanna should embrace this chance to advance her learning in Human Resource Management. In an article written by Varner and Palmer in 2002, they have identified three factors that can make expatriation successful. These are: 1) integration of expatriation with international operations to attain the organization’s strategic objectives, 2) the training and development of expatriates integrated with organizational goals and 3) the management of the international knowledge expatriates acquired. In this case, the organization that employed John should have provided training to him and to his spouse, Joanna. The training should explain carefully to John and Joanna the situations they may encounter within the organization and its surrounding environment. Further, the organization should have a program for spouses like Joanna that can track her adjustment and assist her in finding a career in a foreign land. It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that the employee’s spouse and children are comfortable and well adjusted in their new environment. If the employees would have a problem in their families, there is a great possibility that they will discontinue their service with the employer and go back to their home country. Gravenkemper and LaPla (2008) suggested several measures for successful expatriation of the employee’s families: 1. The family of the employee should be interviewed and examined for overseas assignments. 2. Prior to settlement, the family of the employee should be given the chance to visit the foreign land. 3. The organization must select only those employees whose spouse and children are willing to relocate. List of References Gravenkemper, S. and LaPla, L. (2008) Expatriate Assessments. Universal Advisor Issue No. 2. Available from http://www. plantemoran. com/Services/Consulting/OrganizationalDevelopmentPersonnelAssessment/Resources/Articles/Expatriate+Assessments. htm 9 April 2009 Luthans, K. W. (2002) Expatriate development: the use of 360 degrees feedback. Journal of Management Development 21, 10 Varner, I. and Palmer, T. (2002) Successful expatriation and organizational strategies. Entrepreneur. Available from http://www. entrepreneur. com/tradejournals/article/87211787. html 9 April 2009

Monday, October 14, 2019

An Examination Of The Kalabagh Dam Controversy Environmental Sciences Essay

An Examination Of The Kalabagh Dam Controversy Environmental Sciences Essay Since the Independence of Pakistan in August 14th 1947, Pakistan had many dams but the three main operating dams were Tarbela, Mangla, and Warsak. For the past decade following the new millennium, there has been an immense electricity shortage in the country of nearly 3000 megawatts due to severe water logging and siltation in the dams. Thereby President Pervez Musharaff in 2005, realizing this great problem, re-opened the idea of Kalabagh dam, in December 2005, It was said to be in the greater interest of the nation. This dam was to be built on the Indus River. It was situated in Kalabagh in the Mianwali district which is in the province of Punjab. The dam would be bordering the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area. This multipurpose dam would provide a storage capacity of 6.1 million acres, which would not only provide water for irrigation but for the development of new projects under the Water Appointment Accord (WAA) of 1991. However, even though this project was already proposed in 2008, whe n the peoples party government came into power, Raja Pervez Ashraf the Federal Minister for Water and Power cancelled the plan by stating that there was fierce opposition from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and that the project was no longer feasible. kalabagh 3.jpg kalabagh 4.jpg This disagreement arose due to a conflict of interests between the three provinces of Punjab, Sindh, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa . Main reason was that there would be unequal benefits to the provinces. However, after the heavy floods that touched Pakistan in the year of 2010, many believed that the construction of the Kalabagh dam would have helped save a large amount of devastation. The main importance of dams is to stop the flow of water, divert water, generate hydroelectricity, and provide water for irrigation, improving navigation, supply water to a town or a city, flood control, and generate power for that specific area. The main controversies that exist in this issue can be highlighted as water availability, food security, energy, the environmental and ecosystem impacts, the technical and financial feasibility of Kalabagh, social impacts; these include community displacement and rehabilitation. The debate on the Kalabagh dam takes its importance from the fact that if it had been built it could have saved the country from its worst ever natural disasters in which 20 million people were displaced. Apart from this, the dam if built would be able to produce 3500 megawatts of electricity which could have in turn saved the country from the power crisis it is facing today. However, this debate can be rebounded through another theory that if the three operating dams Mangla, Tarbela, and Warsak flush the silt, the country would almost be rid of its power shortage in the first place and it would mean a huge misallocation of resources in a time where the country is already in great debt. There seems to be a chronic mistrust and conflict of self interest between the central governments, land owners and politicians from which some fear that the building of the dam could mean more floods, and eventually destroy their crops. The Kalabagh dam would cost an estimated US $3.4 billion and was scheduled to be completed in a time span of six years. Literature Review kalabagh 8.gif Debate The Kalabagh dam is a huge and costly multipurpose project. Its main focus will be to provide electricity, and water for irrigation. The Kalabagh mega dam will professedly be able to generate 3600MW of electricity and store 6.1 MAF of water which will be able to irrigate 2 million acres providing for the food, and power needs of Pakistan. However, it will result in severe degradation of land by water-logging in about 20 years time. The other issues are the financial issues related with the building of Kalabagh dam. There is a very tiny possibility of our government in getting financial aid from international organizations. Most probably the dam will only increases are countries debts. However, if private infrastructure funds are attracted to finance the Kalabagh dam at a high return rate, it is uncertain that the project will still stay fiscally and cost-effectively feasible.1 The thought and possibility of building a large scale irrigation and power generation project at Kalabagh has evoked fierce criticisms among stakeholders. This has enabled this topic to still be a debated argument, and idea without a clear conclusion The very thought of building a large scale dam and not many smaller ones, to the thought of providing fair compensation, and the tremendous environmental and social impacts has emerged Kalabagh as an intensive and extensive field of argument. Clear cut information gaps, with low credibility of the government and the operating agencies, puts Kalabagh as an obstacle to informed debate. People supporting the construction of kalabagh dam argue that it is essential to meet the growing demands of an ever increasing population for cheap food, energy and that it will also increase the useful life of Mangla and Tarbela dams through reducing siltation. There seems to be an absence of systematic comparisons of Kalabagh with alternative ways of increasing deliveries of water in the irrigation system. It remains seemingly doubtful whether water flow in the Indus are violated or modified. Second, if fresh water below Kotri are reduced, the impact upon people dependant on agriculture and fisheries in coastal Sindh is highly disastrous. This will further result in the violation of the Water Accord. Another harmful effect of severe irrigation increase could also cumulate to further high levels of water logging and salinity in the Indus basin. kalabagh 9.jpe Continuous failures by the government in Tarbela, Ghazi barotha and Chotiari inspire little confidence in the government. The seminar also raised fundamental issues about the collection of funding for the construction of the kalabagh dam. If this project was to take place, hundreds and thousands of people will have to be resettled.1 Feasibility The Kalabagh mega dam will professedly be able to generate 3600MW of electricity and store 6.1 MAF of water which will be able to irrigate 2 million acres providing for the food and power needs of Pakistan. The inundated kucha Lands along the river Indus are 595,000 acres of think forest land and 600,000 of rich grazing land. If kalabagh dam project is given a green light, it could result in the grazing of this land which will further result in the lost of economic and social well being of a million people. However, it could also result in solving the power crisis of the entire country. Furthermore, the mangrove forest in Pakistan is spread over 650,000 acres and is the 6th largest in the world. It protects and nurtures thousands of botanic, aquatic, and wild life species. kalabagh 5.jpg Construction of Kalabagh will threaten the existence of these species. The total estimated cost of financing this project would be around US $8.0 billion (Oct, 1996 cost). The positive outcome identified from Kalabagh dam would be the Indus floods every five or six years, if there was a place to store this water, most of Pakistans problems concerning water availability would be almost over.2 Besides storing over 6 million acre feet of water for irrigation purposes, the dam would produce over 3600 MW. Kalabagh would be a source of cheap electricity and could serve to a massive advantage of many people. Petitions by some people have been filled against the federal government of neglecting the national interest by abandoning the project of Kalabagh which if constructed could serve hugely advantageous to the national economy. The dam would be a multipurpose project and should purely be falling in the domain of professional engineers as it seems that politicians oppose the dam more for political reasons than for any defect in the project. Opinions of Provinces kalabagh 10.gif The leading political party in creating opposition was the Awami National Party which expressed fierce reservations on the issue. The then Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff supported the construction and said that it should initiate without any further delay. Stakeholders in the National interest say that the agriculture and industrial sector could be served with the construction of the Kalabagh dam. It would be able to serve 2400 MW hydel power which could be maximized up to 3600 MW. According to some prominent individuals, It seems to be critical that the Kalabagh issue be resolved as day by day the the storace capacity of Mangla, Tarbela, and Chashma is gradually decreasing by sediment deposits. A difference of opinion in the ruling provinces has risen with Punjab and the federal government vowing for and the other three provinces voting against. A wrong decision could indeed jolt the federation.3 The irrigation and hydropower structure constructed along the 2900 km long the length of the river Indus includes two dams, nineteen barrages and forty three canals. The proposed location is 200 km downstream of Tarbela and Mianwali in Punjab province. The project will provide 35000 jobs. Experts say that Wapda has exaggerated the figures of water availability and that the water quality will be degraded if project initiates. The Arabian sea water might travel upwards for considerable distances submerging/immersing large region of lower Sindh. The shortage of water created by the dam could result the desertification of Sindh. Wapda has claimed that there is 17 MAF net available water but actually there is a shortage in the system and that Pakistan requires 16.0 MAF, so there is no surplus water for Kalabagh dam. It is also argued that if the water level in Mangla was increased without any major capital investment, what was the need for the construction of Kalabagh dam at the cost of Rs. 250 billion. Also, if farming practices were corrected, water logging and salinity could be reduced and there would be no need for the construction of Kalabagh.4 Division proportions The Kalabagh debate facts are not transparent and key issues like how much Indus river water is available and for whose usage and what expense remains unanswered. The 6.1 MAF water stored at Kalabagh is planned to be distributed as follows: Here are the supposed calculations of the water distribution, NWFP 1.1MAF, Punjab 2.1 MAF, Sindh 2.1 MAF and Balochistan 0.7MAF. This clearly shows that water distribution will be far from proportionately divided. Recent studies by professional analysts also clearly show that Wapda has incorrectly calculated the eastern river flows.5 Matters to consider Looking at the historical context, three trends can be seen, firstly, the need for water increasing, secondly, available water decreasing, and lastly downstream flow of water also decreasing. Like previously, it also seems unclear how the federal government plans to compensate the displaced persons, particularly the Sindhis who will be affected the most if the dam is to be built. From the information gathered, it can be noted that the construction of Kalabagh would mean a critical loss of natural habitat; we need more information on how Kalabagh will affect the Indus and Pakistan before making a decision.6 Discussion: kalabagh 11.jpg The Kalabagh dam has many positive and negative sides to it. Many specialists believe that Kalabagh dam is a constructive and necessary project while others believe that it has too many substantial negative aspects to it, and that it would be a bad idea to go through constructing it. My personal perspective on Kalabagh is that it should not be made and instead a better planned dam with less profound resistances, and difficulties should be implemented. Many facts show that Kalabagh dam could bring about major catastrophic problems, and yet would not guarantee the required supply of energy. Some major problems of the Kalabagh dam being implemented include the major problem of the Indus River running out of water or the water that remains there could get polluted due to salinity. The Indus river has already seen water shortages in the past decade, and the dams that are present already have not been able to be filled to their capacities. Besides this, the major conflict between the Punjab and the other three provinces is far too great. It is a common thing to believe among the people of the other three provinces that only the Punjab would be benefiting from the project. This belief amongst the three provinces can lead to a huge dispute within the country. The other major conflicts that caused for the plan to be rejected back in 1996 were that Kalabagh has been estimated to silt quicker than normal dams, the overall articulated performance of the dam seems not to be up to the required standard, and would have more cons than pros. It is estimated that the electricity that would be generated would be much less than the other already operating, and what is really needed. The electricity generation being so less, would mean that the maintenance, and operating expenses of the dam would be higher than the overall outcome. If the dam silts quicker this could cause the capacity of the dam and its performance to decrease even further. Another serious concern of the Kalabagh dam project is the displacement of the people who live in the area near the projected dam. These people will have to be resettled elsewhere which is another serious cost to the government. There would be a huge loss in the fertile land of the country, especially in the Punjab and Khyberpakhtunkhwa provinces. kalabagh 2.jpg The Kalabagh dam project is located near the forests where there is a huge amount of wildlife as well as trees necessary for mans survival in that area. These trees have material necessary for manufacturing of certain herbs and medicines. Endangering the wildlife is in turn dangerous for us as well, as food chains and the environment would be negatively afflicted. roads.jpg The structured building of the Kalabagh dam would also affect some of the major transportation routes in those particular areas. One of such bypasses is the Attock-Talang by-pass. These highways and bypasses would have to find a substitute route and this would cause further plans, implementation, and construction of new roads all across the province. This would further increase the cost, and would mean additional costs to the already weak project.7 The Kalabagh dam would bring more pressure on the river Kabul, and this would in-turn cause more water logging. Another disruption would be in providing gas. Kalabagh would disrupt the Sui gas pipe line between Peshawar-Rawalpindi, and Rawalpindi-Kohat. This would mean that new ways must be found to produce gas to these areas just as effectively and efficiently as these Sui gas lines do. Kalabagh dam would need a high amount of capacity to be filled for storage and irrigation canals, and to fill these amounts Sindh and Balochistan would have to suffer from shortages in water availability. This discussion could go on and on, the list will keep growing. However, the last major issue that the project of Kalabagh represents is that the location at which the dam is designed to be built lies on a faulty piece of earth, where a major earthquake could result in a really massive disaster.8 In a world where the worlds less fortunate countries continue to be taken for granted by the more powerful nations, and where constant exploitation is norm, the World Bank continues on to show its state of readiness for the help of the Kala Bagh Dam, financially or otherwise. It has continued on to express that this project is the largest one currently present in the Banks Agenda. It has been in the Banks books since 1962 when Sir William Illif, the Banks chairman, along with USAID gave their votes for the Kala Bagh Dam. Wapda, on the other hand, were in the favor of the Tarbela Dam, which was later on selected by the countrys government and became the entity after a little while. kalabagh 7.JPG The Kala Bagh Dam has been described as a social service for the countrys electricity users who are using it free of cost. It has also been noted that the main idea behind the whole Kala Bagh Dam Project was to construct another source of electrical power generation for Pakistan, which has been facing deficits in meeting its electrical power demand. The Environmental Impact of the project is also considered to be a major issue. Keeping all these things in mind, the project incurs more social costs than benefits if the project is accepted and brought into construction.9 kalabagh 12.jpg It can be concluded that Kalabagh dam is not going to be beneficial to the country. It obviously poses some positive points such as higher production of energy, more irrigation, but these claims are just claims and have not stood well under the analysis of technical experts. WAPDA along with the present government has had a reputation for being highly non reliable, and untrustworthy. The projective supporters of Kalabagh seem to have not addressed the problems that would arise from the project in much detail. Even if the claims of the governments and the figures by WAPDA are accepted there are other major problems that cannot possibly be dealt with easily dealt with or avoided. The pollution of the water in the areas of Sindh and Balochistan are major sources of disputes. Even on human grounds when people living in those areas would be displaced, besides the cost, the people would have to move to a whole new lifestyle and familiarize themselves to a whole new environment. The long term effects of Kalabagh dam are inevitable such as the environmental degradation of the forests and the wildlife being adversely affected. Instead of constructing Kalabagh, the full capacity of the Pakistans existing dams Tarbela, Warsak, and Mangla should be utilized by clearing the silt, and increasing the height of the walls. Kalabagh dam is a mega project with huge risks as well. It would be wiser to construct a number of small dams which could produce the required energy, and not have major conflicts of opinion associated with their construction. kalabagh 13.jpg

Sunday, October 13, 2019

cloning enigma :: essays research papers

Year 2004: A father goes to a hospital and enters the room of a genetic engineer. â€Å" Sir I want to have a child.† Doctor, â€Å"What gender?† â€Å" A boy, blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin , good height and intelligence equivalent to Einstein’s.† Doctor,† Sorry sir, no Einstiens, no Aristotles, Government isn’t allowing any more. You know the student councils have been shouting their heads off, cause the Sommerfield Wave equation has been changed so often.† Brace yourselves fellow human beings, for the onslaught of technology in the ensuing years. Owing to the rapid progress being made in genetics, you and I might be declared a rare species in the years to come. ‘Designer Babies’ will be the order of the day. Alas! The first human clone being bred in American Laboratories will not grow into a human being like us mortals! But it possesses a replication of our Genetic Code. The cells will continue to multiply like in any of us but unlike us they would be on a laboratory’s culture discs. The basic purpose behind this million dollar Genome Project is to create healthy cells free from any diseases and use them to cure ailing people. I personally feel that this entire project is a wonderful step towards eradicating lethal like AIDS and cancer. However, many people view this achievement in a negative manner by blaming the doctors for ‘playing God’. They believe that creating an artificial human clone is a direct revolt against nature’s equilibrium. However, it must not be forgotten that God has assigned man the role of serving humanity in any way possible. And, I view this human clone as a promising solution to many problems. Another conservative view is; the technology available today is not advanced enough to ensure that the clone develops steadily into a disease free source of cells. The cloned sheep, Dolly developing symptoms of arthritis at a young age, has specially proved this. Nevertheless, one must be aware of the fact that it is a trial and error process which will gradually lead to more reliable

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay on Brutalities of African Society in Chinua Achebes Things Fall

Brutalities of African Society Exposed in Things Fall Apart      Ã‚   David Carroll writes, of the novel Things Fall Apart, "This incident is not only a comment on Okonkwo's heartlessness. It criticizes implicitly the laws he is too literally implementing..." (Carroll) The incident that David Carroll refers to is the death of Ikemefuna. Ikemefuna was a young boy who was handed over to the village of Umuofia as compensation for the murder of one of that village's citizens. He is handed over to Okonkwo, a great man in the village, to whom he gives every affection. The brief life with Okonkwo and death of this innocent young man, and the life of Okonkwo himself, is a microcosm of life in Umuofia. Inconsistencies, brutalities, and conflict abound in even the highest of Umuofian life. And as Ikemefuna is led off to be murdered by the man he calls father, "the whole tribe and its values is being judged and found wanting" (Carroll).    When Ikemefuna first arrives in Umuofia, he is housed with Okonkwo because Okonkwo is a great man in the village. He had reached his prime and was a man of wealth. Ikemefuna quickly befriended Okonkwo's eldest son and began calling Okonkwo "father." Soon, however, this seeming peace and civility in the village and the life of the villagers disappears. Okonkwo receives a message from the village elders that the boy, the town's innocence, must be killed off. The boy is lead off to the slaughter completely unaware of his fate, and with his "father" in the company of the killers. When a machete is drawn and the black pot atop Ikemefuna's head is cut down, the boy runs to the man he loved as father. It is he who, lacking the courage to confront the others with his love for the boy, draws his machete and... ...e on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart" (Achebe, 176). The village of Umuofia held to backward laws and values that "destroy innocent children" (Achebe, 146). The tribe's innocence had to die in order for those who survived to mature. Although Umuofia's peak of innocence may have been when Ikemefuna was handed over to the village, but its maturity would come through the death of Ikemefuna, the tribe's innocence, at the hands of those the tribe called "father." Things Fall Apart clearly illustrates the faults of the African system and way of life through "the series of catastrophes which end with his [Okonkwo's and Umuofia's] death" (Carroll).    Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York, New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1994. Carroll, David. Chinua Achebe. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marx’ Alienation and Durkheim’s Anomie

Section one: Explain Marx ’concept of alienation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the two concepts of alienation and anomie and to show their similarities and differences. One of the most important Marx’ theories is the concept of ‘alienation’. By the concept of alienation Marx claimed that people are using their ability to control their life under the capitalistic conditions. Created in the middle of the 19th century, it is a form of dehumanization. Marx’ theory of alienation is represented in the book Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts.For Marx, alienation depicts a ‘’socio-psychological condition describing the separation of individuals from their natural and social environments’’. (www. academia. edu) Marx typifies four main types of alienation. 1. Alienation of the worker from the product of his labor: ‘The worker places his life in the object; but now it no longer belongs to him, but to the object' (18 44b: 324); The worker cannot control the conditions in which he is working. 2. Alienation of the worker from the act of producing: ‘His labour is [†¦ not voluntary, but forced; it is forced labor  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ (1844b: 326); The worker becomes a servant of what he produces. The object is not in the worker’s control and it is not his production. 3. Alienation of the worker from himself, as a producer: ‘estranged labour [†¦ ] tears away from him his species-life, his true species-objectivity' (1844b: 329); The workers are alienated from themselves. Their work takes from their humanity because they cannot realise their true humanity in creating the object they produce. 4.Alienation of the worker from other workers: ‘each man [†¦ ] regards the other in accordance with the standard and the situation in which he as a worker finds himself' (1844b: 330); The conditions of work also alienate the worker from other men. They are no longer a team of creative workers. Moreover, the conditions of their work put them in competition with each other. They should work faster and harder, they should produce more. They become an enemies rather than to be team. According to Marx, capitalism alienates people from their nature and humanity.They cannot show their potential in the communication with the others, in the connection with what they produced and in this way they cannot show them as human beings. Section two: Explain Durkheim’s concept of ‘anomie’. The French sociologist Emile Durkheim introduced the concept of anomie in his book The Division of Labor in Society, published in 1893. The term anomie means social disorder and is also used by Durkheim in his studies about suicidal behavior – in 1897 in his study on Suicide.Anomie is usually translated as normlessness, but it best understood as insufficient normative regulation. (www. brooklinsoc. org) The concept was explained as a condition where the activities of t he members in a society are no longer controlled by a norms. It refers to a ‘breakdown of the social norms’. (www. criminology. fsu. edu) Anomie refers to an environmental state where society fails to exercise adequate regulation or constraint over the goals and desires of its individual members (Durkheim, 1951: 241—276).Individuals sometimes experience alienation from values and group goals during times of fast change in the society. This leads to conflicts and dissatisfaction. Industrialization with the division of labor affiliated anomie. In the process of producing, which is repeated, workers are losing their sense to feel their role in the production. The anomic suicide is taking place when the individuals are not regulated sufficiently by the society. This kind of suicide is more likely to happen of there are times when the economy is fluctuating.As one of the important functions of a social order Durkheim pointed the social solidarity: there is defined pla ce for every individual in the world that was created and reinforced by the social values of morality, religion, and patriotism. His observation was that these strands of solidarity are stronger or weaker in different societies. But he also observed that there are some forces in the modern society that are opposite to these moral ‘strands of social cohesion’ (www. understandingsociety. blogspot. dk).In his theory of suicide, he explains differences in suicide rates across societies as the result of different levels of solidarity and its opposite, anomie. Durkheim highlights the situation of â€Å"anomie† to refer to the circumstance of individuals whose relationship to the social whole is weak. ( www. understandingsociety. blogspot. dk) Section three: How the two concepts are alike or different? The two theories are exposed by the authors as a essential problem of modernity as moving to a industrial state in Durkheim’s view and moving to a capitalist state in Marx’s view.Another important similarity between the two theories is that they both arose in the 19th century when analysing the nature of labour – Marx’s concept was based on the labour process and Durkheim’s was written with the division of labour in mind. From these topics, the authors are trying to explain a variable changes, which are taking place in the society. Marx’s concept of alienation is showing another kind of separation – separation of the person from his/her nature as a free producer and creator, and separation of the person from his/her natural sociality. www. brooklinsoc. org) Thus, the modern capitalistic society is destructive of true society. In comparison, Durkheim and Marx are diagnosing a similar feature of modernity. But in Marx is comparing the present with the future as a society, full of equal and free producers. On the other hand in Durkheim's case there is an implicit contrast between a pre-modern world in wh ich individuals have a well-defined social and moral place and the contemporary world in which these strands of solidarity are breaking down. www. brooklinsoc. org) But in each case the author is grappling with a deficiency in modernity – a lack of moral and social setting that gives the individual a basis for self-respect and sociable cooperation with others. Bibliography: Marx. Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts 1844 Durkheim. The Division of Labor in Society 1951 www. brooklinsoc. org www. understandingsociety. blogspot. dk www. academia. edu